Welcome to the place where

ambitious women ditch the grind & align with the abundant lives they came here to live.

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I help women connect with their intuition and dharma to create fulfilling lives through meditation & mindfulness practices.  

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FREE Intuition Ignitor Guided Meditation

Click the button below and enter your email address to grab your free intuition ignitor guided meditation download! 

Enrollment Now Open:
Elevate with Meditation

Using the timeless practice of Primordial Sound Meditation. 

My virtual 3-week meditation & mindfulness program designed to teach you how to create a life of deeper peace, greater freedom, stronger intuitive guidance and mastery of life.

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Kristin Zeier

Chopra Certified Meditation Instructor

Hello, radiant soul! You can think of me as your meditation & mindfulness bestie. 

It's my mission to empower women to create lives that are TRULY fulfilling - from the inside out. I will teach you the mindfulness techniques that will help align you with the real purpose you came here for. 

Meditation, mindfulness & intuition development has changed the course of my life in so many amazing ways.

Now it's your turn to experience the same thing. 

Are you ready?

Follow Her One Thing on Instagram

Your hub for all things meditation, intuition & dharma. 


You're tired of feeling frustrated and uninspired in life and

you know that you are meant for more.


Can you relate?

The truth is, you don't have to settle for a life that doesn't fulfill you from a soul level. 

  • Do you feel like you have tried all of the goal setting strategies yet you aren't getting the results you want?
  • Does it seem like the "normal" life path encouraged by society is no longer resonating with you?
  • Are you frustrated by the hustle culture and constant pressure to figure out your dream life path as quickly as possible?
  • And when it comes down to it, do you want nothing more than to shift into alignment with your soul's true purpose with effortless ease?

If so, you're in the right place.  

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FREE Intuition Ignitor Guided Meditation Download

Click the button below & enter your email address to get your free copy of my personalized guided meditation to ignite your intuition today!